Ready to use into any Learning Management System

MaestrAI is powered by AI and automates the conversion of Video, Audio or Text (mp4 / wav / mp3 / pdf) into Summary // Questions & Answers // Assignment Ideas // Multiple Choice Questions // True or False Questions // Bloom Taxonomy Questions

Core Functionality of MaestrAI:

MaestrAI specializes in transforming various forms of media (videos, audio files, and texts) into structured, interactive educational material, ready to use in any Learning Management System of the market. This process is powered by advanced AI technologies that handle transcription, summarization, and the generation of quizzes and assessments tailored to educational needs.

For Academic Institutions

Scalable Course Development: Easily scales to handle the course development needs of large educational institutions.

Enhanced Learning Models: Facilitates the creation of blended learning environments that can significantly improve educational outcomes.

For Independent Creators

Monetization of Content: Enables creators to monetize their educational content efficiently on various platforms, expanding their revenue streams.

For Corporate Learning

Internal: Accelerate training material creation. Offer department-specific, role-aligned training. Enhance knowledge retention with interactive modules. Provide multi-channel, flexible learning options.

External: Market with educational content for better product understanding. Share transparent reports and CSR initiatives educationally. Simplify B2B client onboarding and support. Develop custom learning content for client engagement.

Subscribe TODAY for Free and get Up to 3 Hours of Video or Audio converted to Educational Module(s) per month
or choose your plan

Instantly convert your media into text, making your content editable.


Ensure the quality and accuracy of your content with our intuitive quality check features: Each portion of the text is synced with your media and has its own transcription confidence rate.

Automated Course Generation

Create complete courses with automatically generated outlines, summaries, Q&A and Assignments.

Automated Assessments generation

Auto generation of assessment such as MCQ, True or False, and Bloom Taxonomy Questions.

Preview & Share

Get a glimpse of how your course looks and feels before publishing, and effortlessly share it to gather feedback or showcase your work.

One-Click Export

With a single click, export your course to any leading Learning Management System (LMS) or learning platform in the market, ensuring compatibility and ease of access.

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